Radikal Darts uses the plus outpost technology to offer, as much to the player as to the operator, the most attractive and interesting competitions.
Radikal Darts incorporates the most popular games:
X01 & Cricket, Burma Road, Tic Tac Toe, Shangai,
High Score.
Radikal Darts permits Automatic Leagues
y Knockout Tournaments.
The great newness is the RRS system.
The remote arbitration - RRS- controls and valued remote games, allowing to make Competitions between machines, in he himself or the different premises, and to any hour .
The server whom he connects in Network Radikal Darts continuously processes all the information of the championships and been worth the results, updating rankings between all the machines that are participating .
Remote Refereeing System (RRS)
-remote arbitration- manufactured by
Web-Cams of game control.
Laser to control the distance to play
in tournaments.
17" panoramicTFT Display .
ID Card Reader.
Display and keyboard to menu access.
Software for tournaments and leagues.